About thedancingrunner

Hi! I’m Chelsea. Thanks for visiting my blog.
I love cooking, traveling, and most of all staying active. It hasn’t always been that way. Even though I dabbled in a few sports growing up – mostly ballet, tap and jazz as a pre-teen – I was not a very athletic kid. I was definitely more into the school choir and writing for the newspaper in high school. Writing and fine arts – definitely up my alley. Working out, not so much.
When I graduated high school in 2002, I decided to go to college out of state – at Hampton University in Virginia, thousands of miles away from my home in Plano, Texas. They had a great journalism school there so that is where I decided to begin my study in television. I definitely spent my fair share of time partying, which included late night food binges on pizza and all kinds of junk. Eventually my weight reached an all time high of 200 pounds. I was obviously not happy with it.
Finally after that reality check and stepping on the scale being heavier than my normal weight I decided it was time to make a change. My mom, even though she didn’t have much weight to lose, said she would join Weight Watchers with me. I took the plunge and joined. Thus began my weight loss journey. About a year or so went by and the weight started coming off. It was all about moderation and portion control – and really just changing your overall lifestyle. I stuck with the plan and started working out…I even started working at a women’s fitness facility in Virginia called Curves for Women while I was in college. I lost a majority of my weight in college and graduated a happier, more fit person.
Class of ’06!

I moved home when I graduated, and almost immediately landed a job working at the local CBS station. It was truly my dream to work in television after graduating with a Broadcast Journalism degree. I started working behind the news desk, finding breaking news stories and working with the reporters. A lot of the hours I worked were early morning hours and overnights. I sat at a desk, day in and day out, often for 12 hours at a time. Working overnight was pretty brutal and got to wear on me…I soon became burned out by chasing all of the doom and gloom that the local news showcases. It started to not become fun anymore. On top of that I put on weight from sitting at the desk.

2016-07-22 14.12.36

In 2009, after working for CBS for 3 long years, I got hit with a layoff. They had been laying off thousands in the company across the US so it really was only a matter of time. It was truly a blessing in disguise. When I got laid off, I just tried to keep busy having so much down time by working out. I would go to 24 Hour Fitness and take Danceaton classes, as many as I could possibly take. Danceaton was definitely a stress reliever for me, and a way to hang out with all of my gym buddies.

I also took up running. One day I when I was doing a local social run at Luke’s Locker, someone brought up the idea of training for a half marathon. I became intrigued with the thought and started training. Almost immediately after I landed a job working for Christian television working as a producer, which was what I had always wanted to do. God was truly opening up so many amazing doors for me.
Trained & completed my first half marathon – with some amazing people!
Today, I have run over 30 half marathons and 20+ 26.2s – and counting! I am still working as a producer in television and now teaching spin classes on the side at 24 Hour Fitness. I also taught dance for over a year and I loved it. It has been an amazing journey and I can’t wait to see where God takes me next.

70 thoughts on “About thedancingrunner

  1. Thanks for checking out my blog – yours looks awesome. I look forward to reading more about your running experiences. Chicago and Rome are next on my marathon wish list!

  2. Thanks for the comment on my blog – coz it lead me to yours! You just prove that having a busy job is not an excuse to get out an run 🙂

  3. Stay with it Chelsea. I ran my first marathon before you were born, and running hasn’t let me down since. You have a wonderful attitude.

  4. Thanks for clicking over to my blog! I read through yours today and can’t wait to read more! Love your positivity!

  5. So great to hear from you Chelsea! To lose weight not once, but twice is something to be excited about. It is an ongoing decision. Thanks for stopping by my blog and subscribing. I’m doing likewise to yours 🙂 Maybe we can inspire each other.

  6. I really like your story, I feel like so many people are in a similar spot and need motivation for change. I look forward to reading your future entries as additional motivation for my up coming race!!

  7. Chelsea,
    Reading your story brought a smile to my face. You are an inspiring and strong woman to make the most out of the changes you’ve been through. I look forward to reading your posts! Keep doing what you do!

  8. Hi Chelsea! I just found your blog, and I have to admit, it’s a pretty awesome one. Seeing your progress is amazing; I’m hoping I can one day run as much as you! I also really like your spin playlists; thank you for those. You’re an inspiration; thanks for sharing your experiences!
    I hope I can be a resource for you.

    Best regards,
    Ryan Archdeacon

    Founder, OneAura


  9. Your blog is awesome! I too have had battles with my weight and fitness, and reading your blog was like reading about my life, lol! It’s always refreshing to find a blog that is real and enjoyable to read. Keep up the good work, and I can’t wait to read more.

  10. Many times your world needs to be shaken to put you on the right path. I love your spirit. Good luck, you will succeed.

  11. HELP! I need suggestions! Every Friday for my spin class, we do a “Flashback Friday” or a “themed” ride. I’ve done 80’s, 80’s Hairbands, 90’s, Name that Movie. A member suggested a “bootcamp/military” playlist. I need suggestions and ideas for that as well as other themed rides. In relation to the bootcamp/military one, it would be songs from Top Gun, Battleship, etc.

    1. Super fun! I would probably look up 80s/90s songs or even pull it up on Pandora and see what pops up. I don’t do a ton of oldies but when I do I like Janet Jackson (or Michael of course), Montell Jordan (This is how we do it!! haha) or songs like that. I’m not a fan of 80s but…maybe some songs from Grease? The internet has lots of ideas!

  12. I absolutely love your bio. It’s so inspiring. I’ve never been very athletic in my younger years either except for a couple of years of being a not-so-great soccer player in high school. It’s a dream of mine to run in a half-marathon and a marathon one day! I look forward to more of your encouraging posts!

  13. Hey thanks for stopping by my site! I’m very glad your page got my attention. I got into running through a similar path (and trying to keep it up through all the stress and sitting that is law school!) – always happy to find like-minded people. Looking forward to seeing more of your stuff! 🙂

  14. thanks for reading and liking my blog post. Congrats on your impressive list of running accomplishments. I am starting to set some longer running goals and starting to put the work into making it happen.

  15. Wow, wow, wow! You are a kick-ass girl! You are an inspiration and a light that shines the way!
    Keep doing this, lovely lady. And, I do love Les Mills spin classes at 24 here in Redmond, WA! I bet you are an awesome instructor as well. Keep up the good work. I will be following your blog

  16. Wow! Your journey and your story is so inspiring! I am looking forward to following you and reading more!
    ❤ Alana

  17. I love that you post your spin profiles, I work full time in an office but teach cycle and corebar several nights a week and sometimes I just need some new tunes/ideas!!!

  18. Love it Fellow Hamptonian!
    Super Exited to read more! I am trying to stay dedicated to training for a marathon so I can’t wait to learn about your journey.

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