50 Joyful Things

#1. Morning trips to Starbucks
#2. Fresh linen
#3. Spotify on a workday
#4. Ginger green tea
#5. Long Saturday runs with my running buddies
#6. Chapstick
#7. Having a job you love
#8. Supportive girlfriends
#9. Prayer
#10. Vacations
#11. Massages
#12. Yoga
#13. The alarm clock on my cell phone
#14. Teaching spin class
#15. Naps
#17. Retail therapy
#18. Spa pedicures
#19. Vino
#20. Cooking on Sundays
#21. Date nites
#22. Chocolate
#23. Thoughtful emails from friends
#24. Calvary Church (my home church)
#25. My bible
#26. The satisfaction after pushing through a tough workout
#27. Anything on Bravo
#28. Mac n cheese
#29. Anything from Bath & Body works
#30. Marathon trips
#31. Sitting in a steamy sauna
#32. Jamming to music in the car
#33. Blogging
#34. Sushi
#35. Girls nites out
#36. Concerts
#37. Sitting by the pool
#38. The high you get after a run
#39. Brunch with my mama
#40. Jumping on a trampoline
#41. Chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven
#42. Pay day
#43. Eating peanut butter out of the jar
#44. DVR
#45. Singing in the shower
#46. Dancing in the car
#47. Dance parties with my coworkers on Fridays
#48. Anything MINT colored
#49. A clean house
#50. Compliments

10 thoughts on “50 Joyful Things

  1. Hi! I found your site through another running blog (about running 12 minute miles and slower runners). Your comment was encouraging as you said you started out running 10:30-11:00 minute miles.
    I was wondering, did your improvement in pace just come along with time and increasing mileage? I have done 2 half marathons (both a 10:20 pace) on 20 miles per week training. and I really want to get faster. I’m slowly trying to build up to 30 miles per week to get a more solid base. Just wanted to get some feedback from somebody who has been where I’m at.

    p.s- I’m from your neck of the woods- Arlington πŸ™‚

    1. Hi there! Congrats to you on finishing those half marathons! And YES, a big part of getting faster, for me at least had a lot to do with a gradual increase in my mileage but overall just staying consistent with my running! I would also recommend signing up for some shorter 5k/10ks in the area to work on pushing that pace a bit! Speedwork also plays a huge role in getting faster. Sounds like you are doing great, keep up the fantastic work and best of luck in your training!

  2. You inspire me! I just became a cycle instructor 2 months ago & I LOVE it! It’s a life long dream realized. Thanks for your blog, insights, honestly & information. Keep it coming!!πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

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