Wake n’ Shake / Wknd Recap.

Happy Monday! My alarm went off at the lovely hour of 4:45 am this morning. Wake it and shake it! I had to be at Channel 8 for the Danceaton flashmob on their morning show! I boarded the DART rail with my mom and her friend (lucky teachers with their summers off!) and we jettedContinue reading “Wake n’ Shake / Wknd Recap.”

Danceaton on Daybreak & a Comeback Race.

Holla holla it’s Friiiday! I hope everyone’s day is getting off to a great start. Mine sure did! I was up bright and early this morning with my dancing shoes on…Danceaton was live on Channel 8’s Daybreak show this morning! So much fun. They filmed us and did short cut-in segments during the news theContinue reading “Danceaton on Daybreak & a Comeback Race.”

The Perfect Morning & Tasty Eats.

My morning started just perfectly. I would not have wanted it any other way honestly. Bright and early run, great conversation with a running buddy, beautiful sunrise off in the horizon. My endorphins tank has been filled for the day. Thankyouverymuch. The last couple of days have been busy both at work and at home.Continue reading “The Perfect Morning & Tasty Eats.”