A Typical Day.

I thought I’d do a post today on what a typical day looks like for me as far as how I eat. I’ve gotten a couple of questions on how I properly fuel my body for teaching spin, running and etc.

For instance…this is my ‘work’ schedule for the week, aside from my full time career. I’m teaching 5 spin classes total (usually I teach 3, but I’m helping out a friend subbing an extra 2)…and still trying to get in my own workouts which usually consist of- running, weights and yoga. Work hard, play hard.

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First of all, I will just put it out there right now and say that I do not count calories. Or excessively weigh myself. I used to when I was losing weight (see my about me). I am no longer interested in serious weight loss, more like toning and maintaining what I have. Especially during the holidays! That doesn’t mean I give myself license to eat like a truck driver. I have a rough estimate in my mind of how many calories I do eat a day, but that does vary and change from day to day depending on my activity level. Obviously, when I am in the thick of marathon training…I do take in more calories.

As most of you know who have been reading for a while…I enjoy running and racing year round. Right now…I’m in somewhat of an off season before I ramp back up in December to train for my 50K.

Anyway…here is what a typical day would look like for me in terms of meals.

-Breakfast- Usually…I will run/spin/workout in the mornings…so I think breakfast is a pretty crucial part of my day. In my opinion, it sets the standard on how the rest of the day will go. For me…I like to take in a good amount of protein and some complex carbs. I’ll either have some oats, boiled eggs (I usually eat 2), and a banana. Bananas are a staple in my diet. I kind of feel odd if I don’t have them in my grocery basket. Also coffee…I like it like I like my men…dark and smooth. Ha!

-Mid morning snack- Nuts, or maybe a piece of cheese. String cheese is my jam.

-Lunch- Usually chicken tortilla soup, those organic Amy’s meals, or a huge salad…I love having a big colorful salad. It keeps me the most full and gets me through the afternoon.


I also love avocado and will find an excuse to put it on any and everything. Gotta love those good fats.


-Mid afternoon snack- I usually will have a protein bar or a banana before I go to Bodypump or teach a spin class.

-Dinner- I’ve been experimenting lots in the kitchen lately. My favorite meal to eat is fish and I love salmon…I’ll marinate a salmon with lime, cilantro and a little bit of olive oil. I’ll have steamed veggies with that and probably some rice or quinoa pasta on the side. Recipe here.

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As far as carbs go…I la la LOVE carbs and I do not shun them. I think as an athlete carbs should be vital part of your diet. And not only that, I just feel better and have more energy when I eat them. I believe in wholesome, good for you complex carbs – such as sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice etc.

All things in moderation…that’s how I was able to lose roughly 50 pounds and keep it off for a number or years.

Don’t deprive yourself. MOVE YOUR BODY. Enjoy life, and have that glass of wine.

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What does a typical day of eats look like for you?

Published by thedancingrunner

Marathon runner & group fitness instructor at 24 Hour Fitness. Passionate about family, friends, traveling. Loves destination races. Loves dining out, cooking in, being around down to earth people, writing, sunrises.

18 thoughts on “A Typical Day.

  1. Love this post and especially love that you don’t count calories or weigh yourself excessively. I used to count all the time — I haven’t in over a year. I try to stay away from the scale and especially try not to weigh in front of Lili. I don’t want her to ever feel like weight is an issue. Especially the way middle school kids are these days… ugh.

    All things in moderation is the way I go too — sometime I over-moderate. LOL Uh, six slices of pizza, why the hell not? People are shocked that someone of my height can house that much pizza — and I am pretty sure I could win a pie eating contest… (pizza pie that is). One day. One day….

  2. Sounds like you have found a great balance! I count and track macros, but that’s what works for me right now. I look forward to the days when I won’t need to!

      1. Ha! Exactly. I am trying to gain some muscle (~5 lbs or so to add yet) at the moment as well as cutting bodyfat (~4% left to go since my last assessment), so I guess I fit the “bodybuilder” mold for now.

  3. Love your balanced approach to fuelling for your busy lifestyle. I think cutting carbs, constant stepping on the scale and under-fuelling can lead to a serious lack of energy and disappointment . My philosophy to eating is the same.

  4. Fun to see how you eat on a normal day.
    I usually don’t eat until lunch and then it is either left-overs or a big salad with lots of protein. There are days that I don’t eat until 3 or 4 and then I just snack on cheese and crackers and hold out till dinner. I consume the majority of my calories between 5:30ish and 8:00. I know it isn’t ideal but it works for me.

  5. This is SO helpful to read! I always wonder what fit people “typically” eat and what’s considered “normal.” I have my days I eat too much and probably my days I eat too little – it’s definitely all about the balance. But this is really great to see what a normal day is for someone else!

  6. HEY!! HOPE YOU’RE HAVING A GREAT WEEK!!! I love your breakdown. I do agree that carbs are essential for athletes. Also, LOVE your last sentence. So true!! Huge salads are the best for lunch and I love your salad pictured. Totally delicious!! You have such a well balanced diet. You’re amazing and so very beautiful!! XOXO

  7. Just poppin’ in to say that that salad looks Amazing! …and now I want a salad for lunch instead of the lentil soup I prepared. Hahaha! Great day in the life post & great balanced approach to weight/calories! I’ve never been overly obsessive about my weight, but post-pregnancy, I have weighed myself from time to time to track my progress. It’s amazing how once I started listening to my body more, and not overly obsessing about working out, that I’m finally starting to see those last few pounds go away though. So I totally agree!

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