Turkey Day (Eve) Funny and a Chelsea Trot Playlist.

Happy Thanksgiving eve!! It has been quite some time since we’ve done a spin cycle playlist but that is making a return soon and very soon with the opening at the new gym! Simply cannot wait. Until then I’ve got a TURKEY TROT playlist you will love.

Those who have been following along for a while know that this time of year I like to do what I call the Chelsea Trot. Lots of fun, lots of me myself and I frolicking in the leaves and getting my miles in before turkey and apple pie sangria. If you need a recipe for that I’ve got you covered here.

Without further ado let’s get to the jams! Enjoy your 5k/10k or. 26.2? (low key curious if a Turkey Trot MARATHON exists out there somewhere – let me know if so) while grooving to these tunes.

Plus just a quick Turkey Day (eve) funny to make you chuckle. You are welcome.

Anyone cooking up something unique for Turkey Day? Who’s running a Turkey Day FULL MARATHON?!
I’m giving you full rights to brag about yourself on my blog. This is a safe space. Speak up and motivate us all. Ha.

Published by thedancingrunner

Marathon runner & group fitness instructor at 24 Hour Fitness. Passionate about family, friends, traveling. Loves destination races. Loves dining out, cooking in, being around down to earth people, writing, sunrises.

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